Other Collections
http://www.footballshirtworld.co.uk/blog/ - Nick's blog. It was stumbling across this blog that changed the direction of my collecting.http://internationalshirts.blogspot.ie/ - Joe's blog. Another site that I am constatly checking.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/9372993@N07/ - Ant's photostream of shirts, mainly club.
http://kitsmania.blogspot.gr/ - Nistisimos' collection of club and national shirts.
http://gfootballshirtscollection.blogspot.com.es/ - Guillermo's collection featuring club and national sides.
http://mynationalteamcollection.blogspot.de/ - Sascha's collection of national shirts. A great shirt-hunter.
There are more collectors that I follow, but the above are people I have personally dealt with.
www.footballshirtworld.co.uk - Nick set up this shop during his hunt for rare shirts. A great resource.www.subsidesports.com - The big UK seller of all things football. Can be expensive.
http://football-uniform.seesaa.net/article/143629309.html - A good site for documenting shirts that national teams have worn through pictures form games. In Japanese, but easy enough to follow. Link is to an English index.www.oldfootballshirts.com - A huge database of shirts with dates and type. These are fan-submitted, so is open to non-official and fakes being listed so be careful and cross reference with other sites if in doubt.
What happened with http://football-uniform.seesaa.net/article/143629309.html ? It has 404s every time to click on a country like it has been deleted or no longer there. Is there a new version of this site?