I have always had a keen, and occasionally bordering on unhealthy, interest in football shirts (well, here in Ireland we call them jerseys, but for the sake of my world wide audience, all two of you, I will call them shorts on here). Unfortunately, being a student I have had to admire most from afar and keep my wallet in my pocket. I love all types of shorts from all types of sports, but about a year ago I stumbled across Nick's project to collect a national shirt form every FIFA recognised country. Then, through following various links I found Joe's site and he was doing the exact same thing. This inspired me to concentrate my efforts and very restricted budget on trying to do the same. This lack of money though is something that I can't pretend doesn't currently have an effect. It is often frustrating to admit I can't justify buying a short that would be a great addition, but it makes me even happier when I do spot a bargain.
If I fail to meet that ultimate end goal, I will be happy to just expand my collection of national shirts, but hopefully someday I will have in my possession 209 football shirts, one for each of nation in the FIFA world. I hope you check in on me every now and then to see how I am going. I can't promise it will be fast and exciting at all times, but I will be here chugging along for as long as I can.
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